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Taking a Balanced Approach, January 2, 2013  Signs of San Angelo’s recovery from the 2008 recession were evident in the latest version of the Community Development Initiative’s San Angelo Social Health Index.


Avoiding Complacency, February 6, 2013  The West Texas Violence Index (WTVI) measures and compares the level of violence in San Angelo and three comparable West Texas cities: Abilene, Midland, and Odessa.


The U.S. Needs to Commit to Paying a Living Wage, March 6, 2013  Abilene, Midland, and Odessa do better than San Angelo at generating jobs that provide a living wage in their respective cities.


Inequality Imperils Us, April 10, 2013  A comparison of real estate data shows that inequality in the value of housing, the primary wealth possession for most families, continued to distance San Angelo’s privileged residential areas from its other residential areas.


They worked, now it’s Up to Us, May 2, 2013   A “tale of two cities” theme appears when estimating housing affordability for seniors in San Angelo’s neighborhoods.


Door to Reform, June 6, 2013  The low level of education for females combines with the high local teen pregnancy rate to contribute to a higher percentage of female-headed families with children in the local community compared to Texas as a whole.


Pay Roles, July 4, 2013  The average annual median earnings for workers in the female majority job clusters are 82 percent of the median for majority male occupational groups.


Children Are All of Our Future, July 21, 2013  Small Area Health Insurance Estimates representing the combined population of children under age 19 in the outlying Concho Valley counties demonstrate an enhanced opportunity for rural families and communities to benefit from opening the Health Insurance Marketplaces.


West Texas’ Wide-Open Spaces a Challenge for Health Care, September 12, 2013  Of the 29 Texas counties without a single primary care physician, a troubling 25 are in West Texas.

Area Public Transportation Must Prepare for Future Needs, October 3, 2013  Less than one-half percent of the regional workforce uses public transit to go to work. This low percentage, however, hardly means that there is a lack of demand for regional public transit services.


Driven to Live a Healthier Lifestyle, November 7, 2013   Beyond the economic and budget-driven aspects of policy, community policymakers must be mindful of the health and vitality of children, families, and the populace in general.


City Has High Levels of Elderly Abuse, Accidents, December 5, 2013  San Angelo and Tom Green County instances of abuse of elder and disabled individuals was significantly higher than neighboring counties.

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